Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Scared Of The Dark

I'm scared of the dark. Correction, I'm scared of what LURKS in the darkness. It's usually not too bad. Since, usually, I'm sleeping when it is dark. There was, though, a few months where my son was up several times in the middle of the night, so I would need to get up.

If he was in really bad shape, I'd go into his room and try to get him back to sleep. Sometimes he would be up, but not screaming, so I would sit outside his door. Just in case I needed to rush in.

Those were the nights where I'd get rushes of adrenaline. If I could keep my eyes focused on my son's door, I did alright.

It was those gosh darn times when my eyes would wander. I have no clue why I couldn't stop myself, but it always happened!

I'd make that awful mistake, and this is what I would see coming straight for me. It would be a mix of Gollum, the zombie things from I Am Legend, and a lake monster.

Being a smart individual, I would quickly look away, knowing that if I pretend to have not seen it, it can't hurt me. It made for some very long nights.


  1. Ahhh funny. Alas I am also terrified of the dark, but I'm not afraid of monsters, I'm afraid of monstrously evil humans!

  2. Ah yes. I too am afraid of humans. But for some reason, in my own home, at night, it's always crawly creepy monsters trying to get me.
